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Some tips to improve alexa rank for web or blog

By Unknown - Friday, June 14, 2013

Here are some tips to improve alexa rank for web or blog:

 alexa rangking

Install the Alexa toolbar on the browser you use internetAs has been mentioned before on will determine the amount of traffic or visits is through the Alexa toolbar installed in Internet browser. Actually this way is not only beneficial to your own website or blog, but it is also beneficial for the website or blog you visit often. But I'm sure you will be more likely to visit your own blog in comparison with visiting other people's blogs. Interested to install the Alexa toolbar on your browser, install it now.Setting your Web or Blog a Home Page on the Internet browserWhat is the mean by Home Page at the top? Well, if you run a internet browser will open directly alias open a page that has been set before, well that's what the site called the home page. It's good at setting the home page to your web or blog sendiri.begini ya how:

For Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)Please run its internet explorer.Look to the top, there is no menu bar. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options".After his exit option, make sure you are on the General tab, write your blog address on an existing column. eg: Click the Apply button and then click the OK button.Completed. Now every time you open your Internet Explorer browser, you will be taken straight to the home page that you set up earlier! So, do not have to bother writing directly Dech stay open!For FireFox users essentially the same thing, something like the steps:For Firefox:Please run Firefox it.Click the Tools menu, click Options ...After the exit options, click the Main tab. Fill the name of the home page with your blog address. Click the OK button. Completed. Just like that, do not bother. It really easy, so immediately made okay!Make your blog post about alexa.With you to make posts about alexa, it is the loyal visitors to your blog will be interested in using alexa tool, it is certainly beneficial because the data will be entered into alexa very smoothly.Increase the number of visitors to your blog.Alexa rank is a ranking based on the number of visits to a website or blog, then of course the more visitors your website or blog, alexa rank, the better.Those are some tips and tricks that we could alexa rank, the better position. In addition to the above tips we can improve Alexa rank for example by registering our blog at growurl, Mybloglog, Technorati and many more sites or media for disseminating blog / website. There are many ways and tricks that both legal and illegal, but my advice wear in ways that are legal only. Hopefully alexa rank could be sped up in no time and quickly with a lot of visitors per day, it is still always make new articles and interesting.

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