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How To Wordpress Flooded Visitors

By Unknown - Saturday, June 29, 2013

Flooded Blog Visitors - how blog
"How Blogs we immediately famous and swamped"

1. Start by setting Permalinks This is the earliest stage that I always do is setting permalinks to Custom Structure structure: /% postname% /. The advantage is that you can be in the url will be easily indexed by Google, but it is not too long urls also facilitate visitors to remember, does not affect the long url so google does not have to worry because it includes seo myths about the wrong url. 

Install All In One SEO Plugin The easiest way is to install plugins directly through your wordpress dashboard. Plugins - Addnew - type in All In One SEO. This plugin is useful for adding a title, description and keywords for each POST. Do not forget to set-enabled because this plugin does not work you should automatically go Menu - Settings - All in one SEO 
3. Install Plugins Google XML Sitemaps This plugin is very useful to guide the search engines Google, Yahoo and BING crawling and indexing post on your own blog. Menu Settings - XML ​​sitemaps, click links to make sitemaps for the first time, after that the plugin will automatically add the data every time you make a posting. 
4. Install Plugin Table Of Content Creator This plugin post title to make the arrangement in a static page in WordPress, after this do not forget to put your links in the pages of static XML sitemap on the additional pages. 
5. Wp Plugin Install Instert This plugin is useful for tracking ad code and enter the code that is part of the authorization code that will be discussed in the next section.
-----> When finished with the technical matters here in after is adding url to google, after it slid  into google webmaster tools. 
* You can sign in using your Gmail acccout, if by chance do not have a Gmail account then you have to register first. 
Google Webmaster Tools 
Upon entry into google webmaster tools, click button addsite enter wordpress blog address. Then select the method of authentication, select the Authentication my advice meta, meta copy the code and then paste it into Wp Instert tracking Code section.

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