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DZS Content Scroller is a solid, advanced, fully responsive jQuery plugin to scroll content. It can be a html content scroller, a banner rotator or even a image gallery due to the fact that it support inline content and it includes two viewing modes. The first one, is to automatically calculate how many elements fit in the container and then scroll them, and because it is responsive, it will auto adjust elements to your screen size. The second one is to resize only one element to fit in the container, this is ideal for galleries or cases where you need to showcase only one item on the full width.
- touch optimized – touch the boxes and throw them with your fingers just like in a native application
- responsive – with the Testimonial Rotator all of your clients will experience a smooth experience, wheter on HD Desktop Computer, Tablet or Phone
- easy install- documentation, samples and preview build are provided so you can start up / include Testimonial Rotator in your project in minutes
- compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE7 to IE10, Chrome, Safari and Firefox
- iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
- Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
- developer / css powered skins – the gallery css is divided into two parts – functional and estethic so it’s very easy to make your own skin
- developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
- webmaster / SEO friendly – built with search engine optimization on mind from the ground up, the Testimonial Rotator uses non hidden valid html markup to build the widget
UPDATE 1.20 [ 11/03/2013 ]
- added slideshow mode
- added needs-loading option for items that need the first image loaded before showing the slide ( can cause height calculation issues if not set for big images )
UPDATE 1.10 [ 03/02/2013 ]
- added jQuery 1.9 compatibility
What do you get?
- Content Scroller jQuery Plugin – get creative!
- sample configuration from the preview – you get exactly the configuration and files you see in the in the preview so you have a good starting point for your customizations
- documentation – extensive documentation on how to install in your project & configure the plugin
- psd files – overlay buttons design attached
- free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
- free support – for installation via my forum -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support
It looks great! Question – Does it work with Twitter Bootstrap right out of the box? or do I need to change something?
It works great. It was built on Bootstrap to be natively responsive from the start. + the preview framework is Bootstrap
New Features:
– Responsive behavior
– Full Width version
– Top right circle timer
......... and many code improvements
All In One is an Advanced Jquery Slider which comes in 5 flavors: Banner Rotator, Thumbnails Banner, Banner with Playlist, Content Slider, Carousel. It allows you to easily create powerful sliders with animated text using HTML standard tags, making the slider very easy to setup and maintain. Please see the features for each product and check the live preview of this slider and convince yourself of its quality.
- All In One Banner includes 5 types of banners:
- - Banner Rotator
- - Thumbnails Banner
- - Banner with Playlist
- - Content Slider
- - Carousel
- NEW: From these banners you can create, in just a minute, sidebar banners or mini-galleries.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- 16 photo transition effects
- Animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- external url link parameter for large image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- randomize images parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- 16 photo transition effects
- Animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- external url link parameter for large image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- randomize images parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide tumbs parameter
- thumbs reflection parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- 16 photo transition effects
- Animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- external url link parameter for large image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- randomize images parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide tumbs in playlist parameter
- playlist width parameter
- border width parameter
- border color parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- Animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- external url link parameter for large image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
Banner Rotator:
Thumbnail Banner:
Playslist Banner:
Contente Slider:
- Carousel:
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- width & height parameters
- number of visible items. Ex: 3, 5, 7 etc.
- elements horizontal spacing parameter
- external url link parameter for large image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- animation time parameter
- easing parameter
- autoplay parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- Sidebar Banner:
- From these banners you can create, in just a minute, sidebar banners or mini-galleries.
- Once you have bought the product you have access to FREE updates:
- Version 2.3 – March 30, 2012
- External Links to the entire image for Content Slider
- Version 2.2 – March 20, 2012
- Reduced z-index for Banner Rotator
- Version 2.0 – March 8, 2012
- Touch Screen Navigation for IOS and Android
- Version [1.1] The Slider is Now responsive
- Version [1.2] Improved response + open first slide on load option
Credits: Lemonsanver Easing Plugin zachstronaut css transform
- Easy to style.
- Responsive.
- Multiple pre-styled Captions.
- Multiple captions animations.
- Choose among multiple easing methods.
- Ability to add multiple sliders in one page without interfering.
- Expand by hover or click events.
- Easy to set up with Detailed documentation.
Parallax Effect – Full Collection of Sliders includes 4 types of sliders:
- Classic
– Perpetuum Mobile
– Mouse Interaction
– Ultra
NEW: From these sliders you can create, in minutes, sidebar banners.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
- layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
- animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- external url link parameter for each slide
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- detailed help documentation included. Also, all the examples present in the preview are included in the download .zip
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
- layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
- animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- perpetuum move: define multiple backgrounds elements that can have a perpetuum move. For each background you can enable or disable this behavior.
- continuous move for layers: you can choose which layer will move continuously between 2 positions just by setting additional parameters
- rotary motion for layers: you can choose which layer will rotate just by setting additional parameters. This feature is working for all browsers, except IE7 & IE8
- width & height parameters
- external url link parameter for each slide
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- detailed help documentation included. Also, all the examples present in the preview are included in the download .zip
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
- layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
- animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- mouse interaction: by moving the mouse over the slider, the elements will react. Available parameter to disable this behavior.
- continuous move for layers: you can choose which layer will move continuously between 2 positions just by setting additional parameters
- rotary motion for layers: you can choose which layer will rotate just by setting additional parameters. This feature is working for all browsers, except IE7 & IE8
- width & height parameters
- external url link parameter for each slide
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- detailed help documentation included. Also, all the examples present in the preview are included in the download .zip
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
- layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
- animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- asynchronous move for backgrounds: Define multiple backgrounds elements that can have an asynchronous move, customizable through parameters.
- width & height parameters
- external url link parameter for each slide
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- detailed help documentation included. Also, all the examples present in the preview are included in the download .zip
Free without restrictions
Galleria and the “classic” theme is open source and released under the MIT license with basically no restrictions whatsoever.No programming skills required
Just copy/paste a few lines of code, add some photos or videos and pop a fully featured gallery in your browser.Flickr, Picasa, YouTube and more
Pull galleries, sets and movies from several sources into a Galleria gallery with just a few lines of code.Responsive
Galleria is prepared for responsive environments and reacts to dynamic measures and media queries using simple options.iPhone, iPad & touch support
Galleria supports swipe movements and uses hardware optimized animations for ultra-smooth image browsing on mobile and touch devices.One core, multiple themes
Galleria exposes a great set of tools to create tailored themes for your project. Or you can browse through our Premium themes and see if something fits.Showbiz Pro is a highly customizable plugin to show you or your customer’s services, portfolio items, blog contents… basically all business information thinkable.
What makes this item unique is that you can define everything(Captions, Preview, Details etc.) via CSS or HTML or jQuery plugin option which gives you Unlimited Layout Possibilites. Please check out the examples to see for example how a small preview view expands to a rich detailed panoramic view. All fits nicely in the designated area.
Try our examples, check the sourcecode toggle and also resize the screen for a responsive preview. Or check it out with your tablet (of course it works on every modern browser (including IE8) and on iOS(iPad,iPhone) and Android mobile devices)!
The given examples of the preview are included in the download zip and mean an awesome starting point to build your own Showbiz out of it. Put the JS and CSS links in the head/footer of your HTML site and build an unsorted list of items and insert your HTML.
The images seen in the preview are licensed from fotolia and are NOT included in the download. The download of this template contains placeholder images with dimension labels.
Product Featured :
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets)
- Drag & Scroll Function
- Smart Loading of Embeded Videos (YouTube and Vimeo)
- Light Weight jQuery and CSS
- Retina Ready Icons via Font Face Icons
- Unlimited Slides
- iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
- FullWidth and Single Width Reveals
- Customizable 100% via Plugin Parameters / CSS / HTML
- Easy installation in your Website
- Fast CSS3 & jQuery Engine
- Fancybox 2 Lightbox Plugin on Multi Domain License included ($89 Value)
- Detailed Documentation included!
- Example pages included!
- Set Amount of Entries in 4 Level for Responsive Look
- Drag & Scroll Function
- Navigation Arrow can be added anywhere in the DOM
- Predefined Helper Classes
- FullWidth and Single Width Reveals
- Smart Loading of Embeded Videos (YouTube and Vimeo)
- Undependent or Different height of Entries
- One by One or Intelligen Page Scroll
- Various and Dynamic Height of Fullwidth Reveal
- 5+1 Demo Files in Source
- Different Layout within one Teaser possible
- Leight Weight jQuery and CSS
- Fits in any Container
- Clever Prepared Helper Classes
- Unlimited Layout Possibilites
- About (1)
- Affiliates (3)
- Be money blogging (8)
- Black (1)
- Blue (1)
- Free (1)
- Free Blog Builder (10)
- Free Templates (3)
- Green (1)
- Hosting (5)
- Jquery (4)
- More Tips (5)
- peta (1)
- Premium (9)
- Responsive (10)
- saham (1)
- Scroller (1)
- Slider (9)
- Tips Blog (7)
- Tips Dan Trik Ngeblog (50)
- TOS (1)
- Tutorial (9)
- Tutorial Blogger (49)
- Tutorial Joomla (8)
- Tutorial Wordpress (22)
- Twitter (1)
- Video (7)
- Web Design Jobs (5)
- White (7)
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